Help the world

Build your legacy

What is your legacy?

A legacy is the impact you have 50… 100 … even 200 years after you are no longer alive. It can be a school, an orphanage, a program, a system, or even an idea.  It’s the seed you plant. It grows a tree with shade you will never sit under.


History is ready to begin

Most join our club without knowing their legacy. The Willpower Legacy Club empowers average people to have above average dreams come true. You are empowered to discover your legacy & change the world now.



Now! Build your legacy

Experience the joy of building your own world legacy. Create a program, system, product or idea that impacts the world for the next 200 years. Attend the next Legacy Retreat.

Take your legacy everywhere

Attend a 5-day Retreat in exotic locations around the world. Learn from the world’s top go getters. As you receive specific instructions to build your legacy. 


Breakthrough the noise of the world. Experience an exotic location. Have your creativity launched and stress evaporate.

Start the Movement

Apply the A.I.M process as creator Willpower Harris guides you to your legacy destiny. Awareness (A) is where you identify or verify your life purpose. Impact (I) is where you convert your purpose into a passionate legacy. Mastery (M) is where you plan out spreading your legacy movement. One take-away is having specific next steps for launching your legacy. 

Be the hero

The world needs heroes. If you always wanted to be a hero then here’s your chance. Like the Avengers or the League of Justice, The Legacy Club pulls together heroes.

Discover more

From meditation to making business moves, The Legacy Retreat taps into the areas that make people great. Daily meditation is conducted that helps the beginner to the advanced meditator. 

Also, the poor can’t help the poor. The Mastery portion of the retreat focuses on building 7 figure businesses to help fund your legacy.


Let’s talk

We’d love to hear from you! Contact us now or talk to a Legacy Club member.

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